This year ABCD is funding 3 toilets which are in varying stages of completion at 3 schools in Marangu West.
The girls toilet at Makomu Secondary School is well underway. It’s amazing to see the size and depth of the pit that labourers excavate by hand, removing the soil and rocks in buckets and on very long ladders. These pits can be 15 to 20 meters deep!
The boys and girls toilets at Kitowo/Napaku Primary School are finished and in use, complete with a hand-washing sink and running water coming from a gravity fed elevated tank.
The third toilet is funded but still in the planning stage at Komela Primary School because the pit, which collapsed a few years ago needs to be re-excavated and re-covered with better reinforced cement and the fundis (workmen) are conferring as to the best course of action. The existing toilet block is in good condition but the pit needs a lot of work.
Much gratitude goes out to our supporters for helping to make these major infrastructure projects possible.