One of our ABCD students from the past, Fides, who has completed her studies at college in business and IT, has expressed the ambition to own her own shop selling printing services, stationery, and photocopying. ABCD Director Terry has been communicating with Fides from Canada, using his expertise in career counselling and business enterprise, counselling […]
post-secondary students
The Story of Josphat
Josphat, or Jose, and he likes to be called by friends, was a little orphan boy when he came into the ABCD program many years ago. We learned that he had travelled from Kenya where he was living with a grandfather. This grandfather could not manage to care for him anymore so Josphat came to […]
Budding teachers and a budding social worker!
We just received these photos of Mary and Hyasinta who are studying at Northern Highland Teachers College to become primary school teachers. Also just heard that Honest Peter has successfully completed his Diploma of Social Work at the Institute of Social Work. He now plans to continue his education towards his Bachelor of Social Work! […]