Our students are succeeding through the school system with many graduating and entering the work force. Great blessing, yet, challenging to cover the extra costs of post-secondary. But, with your help we are doing it!
Terry Maynard
Canadian Volunteer Sparks Solar Reading Light Feasibility Study in Tanzania

by Terry Maynard Little did Joe Scholz, a retired teacher volunteering on the 2013 Tanzania Trip in February, realize that his help with building solar reading lights would spark a feasibility study among the teachers and schools in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. Joe offered his technical and teaching expertise to show students, in two […]
Art for Africa – Great Gift Ideas!
by Terry Maynard Check the Art for Africa items for sale (see the ART FOR AFRICA button in the left banner). This art will make fabulous and unique gifts. New items are added to the list every week. As you will see in the art list, the majority of funds from the sale of art goes […]
Lights for Learning
by Terry Maynard ABCD: Art Building Children’s Dreams is collecting old solar garden/Christmas lights during Earth Week (starting tomorrow – April 18th) to be recycled into solar reading lights for students in Tanzania Kilimanjaro Region. Students form Banting Memorial Secondary School will earn community volunteer hours on Thursday April 21st for disassembling the lights for […]
eBay for Art
by Terry Maynard Bid on 7 beautiful ebony carvings from Africa on ABCDreams’ eBay ending April 22, 2011 at 11pm: [Link closed] ABCDreams has set up an eBay account for selling art created by people of the Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania. Proceeds from this auction will go towards education resources and expenses for our children […]