A first for ABCD…the hosting of a student business conference at the YMCA in Moshi in early February. 47 students were in attendance from 8 secondary schools and vocational training centers. The 2 1/2 day conference program was planned in cooperation and participation with students from Deakin University’s Study Abroad Program in Melbourne, Australia. Programs […]
Lynn Bird
September 8th, International Literacy Day
“Literacy is a human right, a tool of personal empowerment and a means for social and human development. Educational opportunities depend on literacy”. As I reflect upon these words from UNESCO Drector General Irina Bokova today, International Literacy Day, I do so with a sense of accomplishment for all that ABCD is doing, with […]
ABCD receives donation of Science Textbooks
Science teachers and teaching resource materials are in short supply in our area of support in Tanzania so you can imagine my delight this week to meet Joe and Susan Scholz. Joe is a semi-retired York Region science teacher and Susan is a librarian. Joe provided ABCD with seven boxes of science teaching materials. Both […]
Lynn speaks at Newmarket Womens Probus Club
Last month I was invited to speak to the Womens Probus Club of Newmarket about ABCD’s activities in supporting children’s education in Tanzania. The club of 114 members is for retired and semi-retired business and professional women who meet once a month for fellowship and to listen to a guest speaker. The group was very […]
Art supplies for Children in El Salvador
In preparation for a trip to El Salvador, on behalf of Canadian Rotary Collaboration for International Development, I included some ABCD art supplies in my luggage in the hopes that they would get into the hands of some young children. When I met Lidia Arguita, an English major and translator who was assigned to my […]