Even though we are all slowly recovering from jet lag and interrupted sleep patterns we have had a busy few days since leaving Moshi town and settling into our residence at the Sekao Kili Lodge in the ward of Marangu West.
First order of business was to familiarize ourselves with the workings of the kitchen where we are cooking our meals. Trial and error seemed to work best and now we are “cooking with gas”!
Volunteers Jackie and Susan worked very hard sorting into bags the school supplies for about 45 students. Each bag contains several subject counter books, pencils, pens, erasers, soap, skin cream, clothing and other donated items. This was a big job which we thought would take a lot of time but thanks to their help it went quickly and smoothly.
We took a walk up the hill to the Makomu area to visit the local church for the children’s mass with wonderful singing and dancing and the children dressed in their colourful Sunday best. Meeting friendly people along the way is the best part of walking in the community as we are always greeted with smiles and ‘jambos’. The local open-air butcher ‘shop’ was open for business and we saw what was on sale that afternoon for Sunday dinner! The owner was very friendly and offered to sell us the cow head for about $15!
We also visited the schools in the area and inspected a new ABCD-funded school water tank, an interesting school bell made out of a auto wheel rim, and boarding students clothing drying on the grass.
Nice work, Frank. And the church looks amazing. Hope all goes well.
Fantastic how much you did already. The photos are great and the stained glass windows of the church are amazing.
Can’t wait what you guys do next.
All the best. Mira