For almost a decade Sebastian, or as we call him ‘Seba’ has been our trusted ABCDreams agent and advisor in his home community, and our home-away-from-home, Marangu West. But he’s more than that now…he is a friend. Besides being a very good friend of ABCD Canada, Sebastian has earned a great deal of credibility and respect from the people in the villages due to his caring, honesty, and openness to listening.
ABCD did help Sebastian a few years ago to upgrade his college qualifications in business and accounting and this has proven invaluable in the never-ending interactions, in person and on the internet, that we have with him regarding accounts, bookkeeping, banking and the business of running a charity with beneficiaries in Tanzania. Sebastian works hard, and walks the forested trails many hours for ABCD (the schools and students we are helping are far flung). He knows personally all of the students we help, the teachers and headmasters we work with, and the local politicians with whom we confer. He is also the treasurer of the newly formed Community Based Organization, ABCD Tanzania. He is a man of many talents.
Sebastian is however, at heart, a hardworking village farmer, who attends church every Sunday. He tends to a couple of small farm plots that he and his family till, sow and harvest all year to provide the food for the family and maybe a bit to sell at the market. Sebastian lives in the village of Nduweni, one of the 8 villages in Marangu West. His uncle (uncles are called ‘second fathers’) is head of the family that consists of Seba’s mom, his two sisters, little nephew David as well as an aunt. Seba is a quiet, soft spoken, and humble man but a smile and a laugh is never far from his face.
A lovely tribute, Frank. And to Thomas as well.