Two long flights and we finally arrived in Tanzania to a busy start to our work. In the first two days in Moshi we see a lovely view of Mount Kilimanjaro from our hotel windows, but our work was down on the hot bustling streets buying textbooks, soap, skin cream, toothpaste and school supplies for the ABCD children. We were helped by many friendly folks including our friend Sebastian.
When all the shopping was done we loaded everything into a van for the 2 hour drive up into Marangu West and to our home base for the trip, the Sekao Kilimanjaro Lodge. As always we were warmly welcomed by the staff.
We have already been visited by many new mamas and children asking for support and we will be considering their requests carefully.
One pleasant visit was from Delivina who came to show us her certificate of graduation from vocational training as a tailor! We will now try to arrange some apprenticeship training for her with a local tailor and buy for her a sewing machine. We love those success stories.