Yesterday I visited Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School, in Markham, by invitation from Christine Butler, a teacher and a long time supporter of ABCD. I was asked to speak to her Grade 12 students in a program called Global Outreach. The title of the program speaks for itself…these wonderful students are passionate about helping others and have such a strong sense of social justice. They are articulate and very open to learning about the needs in other countries.
I spoke about ABCD, its genesis from 2007 to the present and the work we are doing in Tanzania. The students were very receptive and asked very insightful questions. Each student also wrote a letter to each of our Tanzanian children with a drawing on the back of their own dream for their future. I know the children in Kilimanjaro will be thrilled to receive them.
In the program the students will move on in teams to taking direct action to learn about and support a charity of their choice so it’s to be hoped that ABCD will be chosen by some of these great young people.
Much gratitude goes out to Ms. Butler and her class from the ABCD team.